Minu loodud lühifilm “Connection is freedom”
Tegin koolis filmi aine projektiks lühifilmi. Seda saab näha siit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB6r1zXL22E
This movie is about humankind and how we are growing disconnected. It tells a deep story which is followed by actors doing beautiful movements such as yoga, meditation, dance. This project is made to raise awareness, to show that connection is the freedom what everytbody are desperetely looking for!
Actors: Ingmar Ploom; Krista Palm; Carolin Arnold; Sergei Kondrashev; Neidi Kompus; Margus Põllupüü; Liivi Hiienurm; Meelis Multanen; Kelli Rääbis; Jarmo Kütt; Maret Einla; Ilva Ecētāja; Aldo Raudver
Text: Lidia Almeida; Kristin Hansen
Voice: Kristi Ilves
Supervisors: Urmas Jõemees; Rao Heidmets
Music: Mick Pedaja – Ärgake
Special thanks: Rees-Roonius Juurmaa; Külli Hansen; Timo Arbeiter; Peeter Linnap; Vallo Kalamees; Märten Kress; Tauri Vahesaar – Tasakaaluliin; TKK Foto 4; Acroyoga Tartu, Ciara Tantsukool; Luis Martins; Ines Duarte
Special thanks: Photopoint & Lauri Veerde Video & Edit: Kristin Hansen www.captureandmove.com
Tartu Art College 2018
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